Responsible for contents:
F.-Martin Steifensand Büromöbel GmbH
Thundorfer Strasse 11
D-92342 Freystadt / Rettelloh
Telefon: +49 (0) 91 79 / 96 55-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 91 79 / 96 55-44
Amtsgericht Nürnberg HRB-Nr. 8895
UStID-Nr.: DE 813 285 711
Lothar Kroczek, Alexander Härtel
Banking Information:
Sparkasse Mittelfranken Süd
IBAN: DE86 7645 0000 0750 3701 32
Raiffeisenbank Freystadt eG
IBAN: DE45 7606 9449 0000 0457 13
Consumer arbitration
F. Martin Steifensand Büromöbel GmbH, GF Lothar Kroczek & Alexander Härtel do not participate in consumer arbitration proceedings under the Consumer Arbitration Act. Disputes about concluded contracts and their execution can be brought before the mediation centre
Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des
Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V.
Strasbourg Street 8
77694 Kehl on the Rhine
be negotiated.
EU Commission’s online dispute resolution platform:
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Technical implementation:
Klaus Lellesch